Covid-19 has created a pivotal moment. Everything hangs in the balance. The pandemic compressed into a year trends that would otherwise have taken decades to emerge. It has brought us to an inflection point in history. By seizing this historic moment, we can turn the tide to shape our individual and collective destiny, and in so doing we would rescue humanity from catastrophe and create a better world. […]
It is business as usual that led to our disastrous situation. To prevent future pandemics, which could be much more deadly than Covid-19, and to stop catastrophic climate change, we need a radical change in direction.
The pandemic has taught us that to defeat a virus we need to act collectively, and has highlighted what Amartya Sen has explored in his many books: that for individuals to flourish they require key capabilities – nutrition, health, education, freedom of expression, and jobs and income. […] Re-evaluating our lives requires going beyond the unhealthy addiction to economic growth as the only or best measure of progress. No one can flourish without a livelihood, which is why creating meaningful work and incomes for all who seek it, and overcoming poverty, is a necessary foundation for a healthy society.