Saturday, April 30, 2022

Executing, and scaling critical initiatives to transform Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health (New Consumer Health and Development) intensive products, services and processes


The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is a bridge between several global and local development objectives. It is a bridge between households and the sustainable development goals, it is a bridge between households and the global Corporate landscape for stakeholder capitalism and Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self and the Institution of Household efficiency just to name a few. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (The Global Structure Network Group) has turned into a useful framework to coordinate local and international efforts across a variety of development issues.

The fully functioning Global Structure Network Group with our Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health History, Stature, Performance, Practice and our Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health Vision and Agenda democratised and implemented will officially serve the obvious function of critical importance to the Human Person development objectives, thus enabling the application of Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health to understand the impact and strategy and policy priorities.

As an interface between the different development issues and the global household landscape agenda, the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and New Consumer Health and Development (The Global Structure Network Group) will offer tremendous potential to fully exploit the Human Person Development indicators, a potential that others are and will be unable to tap into. We are very focused than ever on our global Corporate Strategy, the reason is quite simple, the core of our focus and strategy is the "Human Person" households as the requisite strategic asset on which the world depends. We are the ones with the deep Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health "Value" and "enhanced Value" and together with our Corporate Partners, we will be able to continue enhancing the Value of the “Human Person" and the global household landscape.

Together with our Corporate Partners, Global Brands and Corporate Alliances the full potential of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and our Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health Vision and Agenda will not be limited. We will combine our skills and Assets to exploit its full potential for efficiency gains to benefit households in every corner of the world and the global household landscape.

I’m looking forward to what we will be able to deliver with our global Brands, our Corporate Partners and Corporate Alliances as we execute, and scale critical initiatives to transform Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health (New Consumer Health and Development) intensive products, services and processes.

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever.


The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Global Integrated Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health Network

Our global Commercial Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health stadium together with our Brands and Corporate Partners will hold all the winning cards. 

We have ambitious goals for Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health stakeholders and enthusiasts and the wider global household landscape. It is a broad and ambitious integrated plan of action with the aim being functioning Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self and the Institution of household efficiency, strengthening households' status as the requisite strategic asset on which the world depends. We heard households call and we are taking action for the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group. We will deliver a democratised Rolls Royce of SUCCESS on a global scale. This is underscored by our focus on our corporate strategy and the actions we are taking to democratise our Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health History, Stature, Performance and Practice.

We are fully committed to leading and supporting households for achieving prosperity across the full human life ecosystems and also healthy extended human healthspan. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is our promise and our responsibility to future generations. It presents a unique opportunity for the global corporate ecosystems to work together with the Global Structure Network Group - New Consumer Health and Development (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health) in supporting households for achieving a Triumphant life across the Dignity and full worth of the Human Person global landscape.

Our agenda for a call to action for a functional approach will be balancing many dimensions with our components of value at its core. The full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group will not only lead and empower but our initiatives will offer functional opportunities for the household to pursue. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS embodies Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health Culture, illuminating Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self and the Institution of Household. Households can look forward to a diamond service and function because we will be able to deliver limitless possibilities with our global Brands, our Corporate Partners and our Corporate Alliances as we execute, and scale critical initiatives to transform Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health intensive products, services and processes.

We are also more focused than ever on our global Corporate Strategy, the reason is quite simple, the core of our focus and strategy is the "Human Person" households as the requisite strategic asset on which the world depends. We are the ones with the deep Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health "Value" and "enhanced Value" and together with our Corporate Partners, we will be able to continue increasing the value of the "Human Person". 

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever.


The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

The megabet on the full and complete FUNCTIONING of the Global Structure Network Group and our Global Commercial Selfcare Stadium.

 Our global Commercial Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health stadium together with our Brands and Corporate Partners will hold all the winning cards.


The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (The Global Structure Network Group) is bestriding the world like a colossus. The Human Person - Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health most consequential achievement and success is supreme after more than two decades of implementation and performance. The Institution of Household footprints, Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self are all set through the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group to be those of an effective global hegemon. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS hold all the winning cards and as a result the Human Person (Households) hold all the winning cards. Our global Commercial Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health stadium together with our Brands and Corporate Partners will hold all the winning cards.

For anyone who hadn’t noticed the dominance of Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health - the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS should erase all doubts. The global household landscape is clearly entering into a new era, one in which the Human Person will dominate the Dignity and full Worth of the Human Person landscape through concepts of the Institution of Household efficiency, the Quantified Self and Triumphant Living. It is for these reasons and more that we are focused on our global Corporate Strategy because we continue to stand on our core belief that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health) democratised through the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group with our Vision and Agenda fully implemented will underpin exponential ATTAINMENT opportunities for mass markets and the Human Person. 

For many decades it was evident that what households (The Human Person) – the global household landscape and Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health needed was more support an "ASSET", not standing ovations. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is that "ASSET" - Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health and Households (The Human Person) most consequential ACHIEVEMENT AND SUCCESS.  Over two decades - we emerged not just unscathed but also SUPREME. The full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group will allow New Consumer Health and Development and households (The Human Person) to bestride the world like a colossus.

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Scaling critical initiatives to transform Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health intensive products, services and processes.


The truth is that the world and households are in a different era, and some of the transitions in the past admittedly have been rocky. With the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health (New Consumer Health and Development) is having a really smooth change in leadership. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is the most popular in Consumer Health History. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (The Global Structure Network Group) is the Human Person ultimate inside man, well-made, and reverential to the mission of Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency, the Quantified Self underpinned by Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity and most of all the Efficacy of the Human Person spanning the full Dignity and Full Worth of the Human Person ecosystem.

With the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (The Global Structure Network Group), Consumer Health has never been bigger. It can hardly even be called Consumer Health anymore and this is the reason for the add on of Development to New Consumer Health and Development. With that, the mission of global Consumer Health self-destructing is improbable. Households are looking forward in anticipation for their Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self and the Institution of Household efficiency resources, I can assure you that we are building those banks and more. We are also more focused than ever on our global Corporate Strategy, the reason is quite simple, the core of our focus and strategy is the "Human Person" households as the requisite "Strategic Asset" on which the world depends. We are the ones with the deep Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health "Value" and "Enhanced Value" and together with our Corporate Partners, we will be able to continue doing for the "Human Person" while others can only dream. 

I’m fully aware that households are feeling good knowing that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (The Global Structure Network Group) is their requisite strategic Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health extension for Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency and the Quantified Self. We will never take this role lightly, this is evident from our History, Stature, Performance and Practice spanning over two decades with its core being the Human Person underpinned by Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity and most importantly Efficacy. New Consumer Health and Development (The full functioning of the Global Structure Network has a lot in store for you).

In search of Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self and the Institution of Household efficiency substance households and the world are rightly looking to us. Our Commercial Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health stadium (New Consumer Health and Development) will span all the functions of the Dignity and Full Worth of the Human Person household landscape, with us aiming to build one of the largest global networks of Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self and the Institution of Household efficiency experience.

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Expanding Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health practice, assets, capabilities and service

 Accelerating the global Household landscape Value Chain transformation

Happy Easter ya'll! The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS was already a major investment to expand and enhance Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health. Well, we have an even bigger investment, and that is in the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group to implement, accelerate, enhance and expand Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health practice, assets, capabilities and service to support and address the growing Institution of Household efficiency, the Quantified Self and Triumphant Living needs of the global household landscape but more importantly the Human Person at this juncture in the Human Person History.

Through our new Global Commercial Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health stadium where households will see our Brands, the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS ecosystem and everything that will meet households' needs for Triumphant Living we will work to support the global household landscape in accelerating their Value Chain transformation by redefining strategies, embedding Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self and the Institution of Household efficiency (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS) into their operations and practice.

Households are finding relief from the Visibility that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS has given Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health and finally New Consumer Health and Development will get notice and rewarded for its requisite pivotal role in the Institution of Household efficiency ecosystem. 

Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS) is an essential part of the solid foundation on which the Human Person is built and for societies to flourish. New Consumer Health and Development (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS) investment will help create more successful businesses with stronger, more sustainable futures thus playing an important role in the Resilience and Prosperity of any economy. I’m looking forward to what we will be able to deliver with our global Brands, our Corporate Partners and Corporate Alliances to continue building on this momentous and exciting time in history and to continue the work of building households.

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

A full-stack Commercial Stadium covering the complete Dignity and full Worth of the Human Person ecosystems


Today we belong in the same broader historical paradigm.

Today as a result of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health (New Consumer Health and Development) belong in the same broader historical paradigm. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is prompting critical discourse, and changes and the world is now seeking the opportunity for a greater and more productive engagement with New Consumer Health and Development with the questioning of how things can be. For me, this is the right approach when engaging New Consumer Health and Development. The factors today because of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group are overwhelming favourable for Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health to provide the requisite opportunities for households to develop the ability and capabilities to create the right type of household value for the world to continue seeing "households" as their requisite "strategic asset".

At the Centre of the Global Structure Network Group will be a comprehensive full stack fully functioning global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health ARCHITECTURAL MARKETPLACE (with our brands), A global Charitable Foundation, a full-stack DEVELOPMENT suite, and a lot more. In a nutshell, a full-stack Commercial Stadium covering the complete Dignity and full Worth of the Human Person ecosystem.

New Consumer Health and Development through the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group will deliver the Visibility of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health) ecosystems, for cumulative impact for - Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency and the Quantified Self, value driven strategies. The same ethos that guided our Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health History spanning over two decades where we stop and ask - "which actions will actually make a difference for our strategic goals and for our stakeholders at the same time", is guiding us today and it suffuses all of New Consumer Health and Development

We continue to press forward with our Corporate Strategy for extending the Institution of Household and the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS footprint in every corner of the world. We are working for full functioning because we understand the Global Structure Network Group (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS) is a cornerstone of the Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health economy present in every region and every major business sector across the world. It will support millions of high-value jobs driving prosperity and growth in the process. Across countries and regions, Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency and the Quantified Self - New Consumer Health and Development (the Global Structure Network Group) will be part of the glue holding societies together. 

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

New Consumer Health and Development


I am pleased with the authenticity that underpins our work for a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group. We have rightly focused on the core of our Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health History and that means being the requisite extension of "Households" for Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency and the Quantified Self. More broadly that translate into allowing "households" see themselves as the requisite "Strategic Asset" on which the world depends. With the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health have the right visibility and is more visible than at any time in history. We are increasing our global demographic. It is proof of the abiding influence of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS in dictating the global household Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health discourse.

All of this however depends on a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group - (New Consumer Health and Development) and a democratised Rolls Royce of SUCCESS. Our detractors are in all sorts of trouble not only here but the whole damn world. I set out for the concepts of "households", "Triumphant Living", the "Institution of Household efficiency" and the "Quantified Self" to have a stranglehold on the global household landscape and that is taking hold in every corner of the world. According to global conversations households are in an upbeat mood anticipating a democratised Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and our global architectural Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health full-stack MARKETPLACE. We are going to bring new Brands to the MARKETPLACE while also reviving old Brands.

I have been bullish from the moment I began this journey over two decades ago that delivered the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS - New Consumer Health and Development - Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health - most consequential SUCCESS and ACHIEVEMENT. As we move closer to full and complete delivery, my CEOs are also in a bullish mood for what combining with the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (the Global Structure Network Group) will achieve especially at this moment in the Human Person History.

This is why we are pressing forward with our Corporate Strategy for extending the Institution of Household and the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS footprint in every corner of the world. We are working to make a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group - Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health is robust and has the capacity to serve consumers and businesses in bad times as well as good and in every corner of the world. We will do this through a fully functioning global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health ARCHITECTURAL MARKETPLACE (with our brands), A global Charitable Foundation, a full-stack DEVELOPMENT suite, and a lot more. 

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Consolidating a global alliance that unites "Triumphant Living", the "Quantified Self" and the "Institution of Household Efficiency" for securing the "Value of Households" for generations to come.

Consolidating a global alliance that unites "Triumphant Living", the "Quantified Self" and the "Institution of Household Efficiency" for securing the "Value of Households" for generations to come.

Global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health (Consumer Health and Development) have been the subject of many false dawns. That was until the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS - our History, Stature, Performance and Practice. The real heart of the strategy is ("households"- Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity and Efficacy - the Dignity and Full Worth of the Human Person) a genuine Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health (New Consumer Health and Development) success story from which households and the world should learn lessons. To the world our most powerful words and history, which brought applause, praise and support from all parts of the world, were about the role of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS - Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health (New Consumer Health and Development) at this moment in the Human Person history

The upside of the globalized nature of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is that it has sensitized people around the world to the powerful impact of Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health and what New Consumer Health and Development will mean for individuals, families, and entire communities. CEOs are not only hoping but actively preparing to get actively involved with the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS in making sure that this shared achievement, SUCCESS can translate into greater support for combating many challenges and debilitating insecurities that are interrupting millions of lives every day. 

With the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group, global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health (New Consumer Health and Development) have not only failed to collapse, but it has also consolidated its hold and we are finding ways to deliver in order for "households" to be seen as the only requisite "Strategic Asset" and for "Ownership", "Belonging" and "Contributing" across the full "Dignity and full Worth of the Human Person Ecosystems". Pushing further with an increased target makes a lot of sense. This is why we are committed to our Corporate Strategy because we know how important this is to our most valued partners "households" and the global community just to name a few. This is big and we are working to deliver this right for the building of value in every corner of the world.

We continue to stand on our core belief that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health) democratised through the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group with our Vision and Agenda fully implemented will underpin exponential ATTAINMENT opportunities for mass markets. We will do this through a fully functioning global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health ARCHITECTURAL MARKETPLACE (with our brands), A global Charitable Foundation, a full-stack DEVELOPMENT suite, and a lot more. 

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground)

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

The centre of gravity of global Consumer Health and Development and the Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency and the Quantified Self

 Exponential ATTAINMENT opportunities 

Based on conversations taking place in every corner of the world, the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group is precipitating a paradigm shift that is all about giving people (the world's only requisite Strategic Asset) power. Households are well on their way back from being a sideshow and that's super exciting for everyone. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS our History, Stature, Performance and Practice and our global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health Vision and Agenda is placing households in their rightful global position, the centre of the global main landscape of Social and Economic production

For the first time in history, Consumer Health and Development is a pivotal requisite player in that global Social and Economic landscape. I'm super excited, because the concepts of Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency and the Quantified Self will do more to contribute to the flourishing and shaping of organised human life for decades to come. The philosophy that only "Households" the requisite "Asset" on which the world depends should be “big and powerful”, will guide New Consumer Health and Development.

Today, the centre of gravity of global Consumer Health and Development and the Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency and the Quantified Self economy has moved to the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (The global Structure Network Group). The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is frequently invoked in talks surrounding the perfect Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health ideals both de facto and de jure for guaranteeing positive outcomes. CEOs see the potential for real progress with Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health and New Consumer Health and Development (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS). They recognize that a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group will build stakeholder trust, increase valuations, and create more "Value" focused Organisations. 

We continue to stand on our core belief that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health) democratised through the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group with our Vision and Agenda fully implemented will underpin exponential ATTAINMENT opportunities for mass markets. We will do this through a fully functioning global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health ARCHITECTURAL MARKETPLACE (with our brands), A global Charitable Foundation, a full-stack DEVELOPMENT suite, and a lot more. 

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground)

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Where the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS leads, the world follows.


The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health) are fundamental to advancing "Households" as the only "Strategic Asset". New Consumer Health and Development through our Global full-stack Development Suite will provide a clear benchmark for understanding when ways are economically beneficial to "households" for "Triumphant Living" and the "Institution of Household" efficiency, while also benefiting everyone within the stakeholder Value Chain - the Dignity and Full Worth of the Human Person. The philosophy that only "Households" the "Asset" on which the world depends should be “big and powerful”, will guide New Consumer Health and Development.

“Gary and the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health, Triumphant Living and the Institution of Household efficiency Vision and Agenda were going to be defeated quickly”. Now he isn’t! The development of a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group (New Consumer Health and Development) is rooted in a multitude of historical events and timelines that have been compressed into a single Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health phenomenon (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS) and it is awakening "households" and the global corporate landscape! The process to a fully democratised Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and what we are witnessing is the outcome of the time lag between the official end of an era and its unresolved legacies. Nothing can steal the joy of this global phenomenon – Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health and New Consumer Health and Development most consequential achievement.

As people reach for better lives, they are looking to the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS the Credible, Effective and Resilient Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health framework in order to help them make appropriate "Triumphant Living" choices. It is now clear that the world will be benefitting from a democratised Rolls Royce of SUCCESS through a fully functioning global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health ARCHITECTURAL MARKETPLACE (with our brands), A global Charitable Foundation, a full-stack DEVELOPMENT suite, and a lot more - our drive and determination of what we must do, the trade-offs to achieve multiple objectives, and coordination challenges have now been reinforced.

We continue to stand on our core belief that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health) democratised through the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group with our Vision and Agenda fully implemented will underpin exponential ATTAINMENT opportunities for mass markets.

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground)

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The ecosystem revolution in Triumphant Living, the Quantified Self and the Institution of Household efficiency!

 The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is one of the forces set to shape the world over the next several decades!

It’s the trillion-dollar revenue opportunity!


Where the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS leads, the world follows. And for good reason: New Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health and the soon to be New Consumer Health and Development titan is set to become a near-trillion-dollar business. When the full functioning Global Structure Network Group moves, it will move markets. All that explains why the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (New Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health and New Consumer Health and Development) most consequential achievement is such a global momentous occasion. 

The Global Structure Network Group (Triumphant Living, the Institution of Household efficiency and the Quantified Self) is set to dominate the world’s Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health discourse for decades to come. We say the "Rolls Royce of SUCCESS" as an indication of households and Corporations' trust in the potential of New Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health and New Consumer Health and Development as a requisite "Strategic Asset" vital to their and the world's success. 

The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is “the next chapter" for the global wider Industry and the world. We have a bold new vision of the world where "households" have full "Ownership" across all the Triumphant Living ecosystems and see themselves as the requisite "Strategic Asset" upon which the world depends. Our vision is on the right side of history. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is on the right side of history and New Consumer Health and Development will be on the right side of history. Our History, Stature, Performance and Practice naturally want a stranglehold on the new global landscape that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS created, with the ability to shape it in the image where at its core sit "households" as its only requisite "Strategic Asset", but there are plenty of others who see the opportunity it offers and is eager to try and build it in a different image.

The challenge is that there is just so much to do in this space. And that’s why we are making the choices we are making. For more than two decades, we’ve worked for this moment to implement programs and initiatives around the globe that can build value for all our stakeholders. We will do this through a fully functioning global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health ARCHITECTURAL MARKETPLACE (with our brands), A global Charitable Foundation, a full-stack DEVELOPMENT suite, and a lot more. We will work with our Global Corporate Partners and Corporate Alliances to build their contribution to new Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health.

We continue to stand on our core belief that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health) democratised through the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group with our Vision and Agenda fully implemented will underpin exponential ATTAINMENT opportunities for mass markets.

I’m looking forward to what we will be able to deliver with our global Brands, our Corporate Partners and Corporate Alliances to continue building on this momentous and exciting time in history and to continue the work of building households and supporting global New Global Consumer Health and Development in its new “gamechanger” capacity. 

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy


Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

The expected consequence of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group was to turn a Gold-plated Age failure into a modern jackpot!


The past couple of years have brought more change and disruption to the world than any similar time frame in, perhaps, decades. The expected consequence of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group was to turn a Gold-plated Age failure into a modern jackpot. The demand for the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (The Institution of Household, Triumphant Living and the Quantified Self) has ignited the value of "households" and the full worth of the Human Person Ecosystems. The way consumers and businesses use Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health and global Consumers Health and Development for Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity and Efficacy have been turned nearly upside down by the events of The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS History, Stature, Performance and Practice. That kind of upheaval can be worrying and unsettling for some, but it also presents opportunities for optimistic, future, value-focused investors.

Triumphant Living and the Quantified Self is set to become the measure of SUCCESS for households who are investing large amounts of money, time, and effort for Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health SUCCESS. In every corner of the world, households are appearing to acknowledge that some of their biggest priorities are more likely to be accomplished through a Global Structure Network Group firing from all cylinders delivering Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health with a fully functioning global Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health MARKETPLACE, A global Charitable Foundation, a full-stack DEVELOPMENT suite, and a lot more. 

With a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group there will be more emphasis on the Institution of Household efficiency and greater Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health spending in the coming months and years as a result of a democratised Rolls Royce of SUCCESS. The Global Structure Network Group continue to stand on our core belief that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science and Complementary and Integrative Health) democratised through the full functioning of the Global Structure Network Group with our Vision and Agenda fully implemented will underpin exponential ATTAINMENT opportunities for mass MARKETS.

The principle of Ownership, being in control of one’s Destiny, Human Development Prosperity, and Triumphant Living and the Quantified Self suffuses the whole of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group. The Global Structure Network Group is looking forward to what we will be able to deliver with our global Brands, our Corporate Partners and Corporate Alliances to continue building on this momentous and exciting time in history and to continue the work of building households and supporting global Consumer Health and Development in its new “gamechanger” capacity. 

The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 

The Founder’s Gallery (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy


Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity incl of Global Self-care informed by the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS supported by over two decades of indelible Performance is the Global mosaic of all reputations.

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilises our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger. 

It is your (Households and Consumers) Turn