Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Global Structure Network Group and it’s Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is a prize

A Global Network Group, A Global Broker

2021 is a recovery year.

This tug-of-war will only become fiercer, for two reasons. First, The Global Structure Network Group is of enormous strategic importance for far more than Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity. In commercial as well as geopolitical terms, The Global Structure Network Group and it’s Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is a prize. It has the power and the capacity as well as scale with the motivational power to make the Global Sector Economy to be in effect a Global client state. The second reason competition over it will intensify is that it is an ever more important part of the world in its own right. 

The idea of the Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity being accessible to only the rich and the famous and the industry being dominated by monopolies is so widely held that it has monopolised much thinking, from investors’ strategies to even households previously. Yet, because of the unveiling of the Global Structure Network Group and its Strategic Framework, it is getting harder to sustain. After a long period of ossification, the industry is entering a dynamic phase. In every corner of the world, markets are shifting towards the need for households to create their destiny and to develop an Ecosystem that will allow them to create Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity and Added Value in order to become future pandemic proof.

The gale of creative destruction used to blow hard throughout the sector. The list of firms toppled from dominance is long and wide. Yet recently the firms have clung on because of how the Global Structure Network Group is beginning to change the industry, the scope and opportunities it presents and because of what is at the core of its Philosophy and SUCCESS. What happened? Over two decades of Performance and the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the scale effects mean that size begets size.

We are inviting the Global Community and the wider Global Community to Spread Your Ideas Further - we are always open to publishing compelling essays from thoughtful contributors and encourage you to share your work with our Global Community by contacting us through our website. A big thanks to all those who are helping the Foundation in turning strategy into reality for households SUCCESS. We are inviting your participation because together we can do a lot more.  

Looking forward to working with you as we build on this momentous time in history and to continue our work of building households to be the big gamechanger. The Founder continue to pay homage to the people and companies who are working tirelessly to make the Global Structure Network Group a SUCCESS.  Looking forward to convening.


The Founder's Gallery

The best science must lead to better lives 

The Founders’ Gallery

Life is good when you Future Proof You, your family, and your business… in that order!

The Global Structure Network Group (Together we will Break New Ground) 

To influence Ownership of personal health and Ownership of self.

The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy

The Global Structure Group is a HYBRID Business that utilizes our resources and our work to deliver positive social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Online job posting analysis shows the extent of the pandemic's damage, especially to women and youth

The pandemic decimated the labor market at record speed. Official data reported on a quarterly or even monthly basis have struggled to keep pace with a wave of unemployment unseen since the Great Depression. Labor market data produced during the current crisis can paint a confusing picture of the job market, as compilers of official data have struggled to account for furlough programs and part-time jobs and have thus disseminated the data with cautions about high levels of uncertainty.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Imagining a more inclusive and optimistic world of work

So how do private and public sector leaders mitigate the impact from the pandemic? How can they usher in a new age of prosperity, not just for highly skilled workers and industrialised nations, but for everyone around the world? There are some critical considerations.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Entrepreneurs as Agents of Change: Fixing a Broken System Through Opportunity

Innovation through entrepreneurship is the driving force of our economies. With nearly two-thirds of new jobs being created in the private sector by small businesses, we have an opportunity to give hope and dignity to those who feel that they have none and begin to adopt practices that inspire others to feel value and self-worth in themselves. There is dignity in work and many good hearted, industrious individuals are in search of it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Career Ready? Helping young people navigate the pandemic job market

As anticipation of the COVID-19 vaccine brings hope to the world, concern turns to the long-term economic consequences of the pandemic — and the prospects of young people now leaving education. In any recession, we can expect young people to suffer disproportionately. After all, the first thing that employers do in response to falling demand is to stop hiring. As unemployment rises, young people, already disadvantaged by their comparative lack of knowledge, contacts and experience of work, now face fiercer competition from older workers. In the COVID recession, falling demand is notably uneven. In a turbulent labour market, demand for workers in some sectors has risen sharply; in others it has fallen away completely. It is unsurprising that a recent global survey by the OECD and WorldSkills showed that up to a third of young people said that the pandemic had prompted them to change their career plans.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Providing Youth with an Opportunity to Shape the post-COVID World: “Youthwise” for a Better Tomorrow

 “Youthwise” for a Better Tomorrow

Around the world, young people have been taking a more prominent role in recent years in addressing the critical societal challenges of our time, injecting much needed urgency, to tackle climate change and the growth of inequalities within our societies. Their energy, vision, determination and impatience are both a source of inspiration and genuine pressure to leave words behind and effect tangible change. If the tide has started to turn, youth deserve their fair share of the credit.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Come on, let us just trust the process here.

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Sector Economy are under enormous pressure to deliver all of the channels that will cover the entire continuum of Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity. The work to get that to households in every corner of the world is underway. Today’s post is also to talk about the added value of the Global Sector as a result of the unveiling of the history of the SUCCESS enjoyed by the Founder of the Global Structure Network Group. From the beginning the Global Structure Network Group was leaning out in defining the importance of the Sector and was comparing it to tech; well, they are not alone in their assessment. The Global Structure Network Group has been dubbed the greatest transformational story in the world and for leading household for their greatest transformation in history for Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity to be efficacious for today and for the generations to come. The Global Sector Economy supported by the Global Structure Network Group has now been globally defined across sectors as critical for domestic and global development and for households and societies to have an opportunity in defining their own agenda. 

Equitable Partnerships remain the number one priority for the Global Structure Network because an exceptional level of collaboration will be needed with the private sectors to develop the initiatives necessary to transform Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing and to meet the global demand for leveraging the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS. Eradicating Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing insecurities is about joining forces to scale up successful programs and linking actions for better results. The Global Structure Network Group is actively pursuing these partnerships to meet the demands of households for living their best life as a culture and for their efforts in creating their destiny. The Global Structure Network Group in doing this will be calling for bold actions and true global commitments to prevent households from being swept up by unintended consequences

Working in partnership is not only about receiving financial support, but also about benefitting from their dynamism and entrepreneurship. Partnerships that will enhance the Global Sector status even more and that will not undermine the Organisation’s credibility as a steward of household’s trust in every corner of the world. The fight for Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity can only be won in partnership with all actors, among which the private sector plays a fundamental role. There is no longer any doubt that business plays an integral role in delivering economic and social progress by delivering an outlook better than optimism. The Global Structure Network Group is delivering a new global prospectus for Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity.

The unveiling of the Group (Charitable Foundation) is a 180 degree turn from a failed global strategy. For the first time in a long time there is a real possibility of success for Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity for all in every corner of the world. We are inviting the Global Community and the wider Global Community to Spread Your Ideas Further - we are always open to publishing compelling essays from thoughtful contributors and encourage you to share your work with our Global Community by contacting us through our website. A big thanks to all those who are helping the Foundation in turning strategy into reality for households SUCCESS. We are inviting your participation because together we can do a lot more. Looking forward to working with you as we build on this momentous time in history



The Founders’ Gallery

The Global Structure Network Group

The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Economy are inextricably linked. This is our time; this is our moment. Households everywhere will now feel part of something bigger.

Friday, February 5, 2021



The conversation starts here

and young people need to be a part of it.

Work Begets Work: The importance of skills-based internships

The best work experiences are those where young people are treated like professionals. They are immersed in teams, invited to meetings, given projects that help contribute to the overall mission and held to deadlines and standards. They have managers who ensure that their they have supports to succeed, with actions as basic as welcoming them with a building tour or lunch, providing clear guidance and offering timely feedback. Even better, they assign students mentors, give them exposure to executives and make themselves available for questions and encouragement.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


 Youth who graduate in a crisis will be profoundly affected and may never fully recover

For the millions of the world’s young people who will survive the pandemic, there’s still truly difficult news ahead. Not only will the COVID-19 recession give new entrants to the job market a rocky start to their careers, it will also put them at risk to make less money for decades, commit more crimes, have less satisfying family lives, and maybe even die earlier than luckier job seekers.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Pfizer CEO Says Science Will Prevail With Covid-19 Here to Stay

 lbert Bourla talks about having the tools to manage the virus as we do the seasonal flu, the new variants.

In an interview with Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait, one of the people most responsible for helping to vaccinate the world against Covid-19 discusses how his company is navigating the pandemic.

It is your (Households and Consumers) Turn