Saturday, October 31, 2020

The economic cost is substantial

 “THE ECONOMIC COST IS SUBSTANTIAL: Mental and neurological health conditions cost the global economy more than US$3 trillion a year, which is 28% of the total cost of ill-health from all causes. These massive costs mean that investing in addressing brain health is highly cost-effective: US$1 invested for depression and anxiety alone returns US$3-5 in better health and ability to work.” Healthy Brains Global Initiative

Today I am writing this post knowing that most of the world is entering into a Global Lockdown and acutely aware that some of you who have been following our campaign on our sister site might be in the early stages of building household resilience to deal with this sort of situation. It is also a good opportunity for us here to continue the work of equipping households everywhere with the requisite tools for the effort so that they can begin their journey for Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity success. That said, this week was especially good for The Global Structure Network Group and the Global Community; why? “Our enormous leverage” all treats, no tricks which can only augur well for households everywhere. From the beginning of this process I was talking about components of value, areas we will especially focus on because we are at a perilous juncture for humanity and household  Resilience and Longevity. One of those areas is Neurological Well-being (Brain Equity) and though some of you might know this, it was detailed in my letters to my Investors, Impact Partners, Sponsors and those that will play an important role as we Office. We entered the marketplace from the Top because if we are serious about Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity for households everywhere, serious about population growth and serious about communities, households must be equipped to deal with root causes. The glass ceiling must be broken once and for all, levelling the social playing field for producing communities where all can thrive and achieve and succeed. The optimisation and democratisation of Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being will help you tackle problems like injustice, inequality, health disparities, and the brutal honesty about our problems and the lack of solutions. We are working hard to deliver all of the channels that will help you on your journey for Living your Best Life as Definition in this the 21st Century. Households everywhere will have an opportunity to be on their road to SUCCESS  I am aware you are counting on us; bear with us. You will see more of our new look but in the meantime, thank you for helping us ensure our great Organization becomes known by all across the Globe as The Global Structure Group the Future of Personal Health and Well-being, and what is Possible. We are inviting your participation to help us do much more. 

We love people and the competence and nimbleness of households so much that we made a commitment which is part of our strategic priority to feed you the things that will contribute to a foundation for resilience and not pseudo resilience because for society to thrive, for economic and social prosperity households must spring from a foundation of Prestige and Authority. Households can only do so if they are fully on top of all the Social Determinants of Freedom (Brain Equity) and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity for those challenges that are unique to their households. We have already entered a new era and we were the first to signpost it, that era is for Freedom (Brain Equity) and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity. It will form the number one impetus and Strategic Priority that will guide households and boardrooms decisions for today and for generations to come. Because embedded in the center of what we do are the SDOHs households and Companies can no longer ignore their number one asset and Investment, which is Human Capital and for that we cannot deny and deflect anymore, we need Healthy Resilience and Healthy Longevity to translate into a Healthy Workforce and Healthy Communities for Economic Survival and Economic Prosperity and to remain competitive and relevant. As the world rebuilds its economies in the wake of the pandemic, we now know for sure that investing in Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity and BRAIN EQUITY must lead the way. We are inviting you to stay the course and for those who are new in joining us for Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being prosperity everywhere to continue foraging through the website and its parts. Believe in better, that human expertise enhanced by sustained Optimized Personal Health and Well-being can continue to be the real CURRENCY of change. The Global Structure Network and the channels that will make up the Global Structure Group, and our Impact Partners and Brands and Sponsors will like our readers to know that we are not a party to the behaviours that are driving the activities of those who are trying to undermine our Brand and Product all of which is essential for Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity everywhere. Our process for delivering our affiliations are Strong, Robust, and Intellectually Formidable and are not literally everyone’s business.

The Global Structure Group is committed to being a global company. The Global Structure Network and its Value Proposition is the best course of action to optimize Personal Health and Well-being and to secure our objectives which is individuals’ long-term success and for households in every corner of the world to realise their biggest and most important asset. We have never seen interest like these before, in the numbers, perseverance, and the ethnic, age and racial diversity of those participating and anticipating the Global rollout of our Value Proposition and Global Marketplace. In a world reeling from the pandemic and for communities reeling from a high rate of downward mobility, The Global Structure Group is an Organization just in time. Health as an investment for economic return so that you can renovate for the world you confront. The complicated process must remind our readers that consent, and wilful action are shaped by economics, policy, and the culture of rule. Wellness for The Global Structure Network means being in control or reasonably in control of all the things that determine your social and economic realities. Not only is The Global Structure Network a critical player in the global effort for the Optimization and Democratizing of Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity, but we are also now deeply integrated into the Global planned efforts. Your future will be brighter than your past — Making it work! Delivering an Equity Roadmap for Personal Health and Well-being Triumph. Our business has a clear purpose: Our mission is for you to become owners of Your Health and owners of Yourselves so that empathy can be evenly distributed and love of yourself multiply. It is our essential purpose and will always be at the heart of our business. Your Marketplace with our own Brands, other National Branded Products, Services and your Whole Life Ecosystem will be accessible in every corner of the world. Along with the Eagerly anticipated Components of Value. As the Founder, we are committed to delivering for you because we believe that everyone should have an opportunity to reach their full potential and to truly live their best life as culture and definition and to be reasonably in control of their destiny.



The Founders Gallery (Founder and CFO)

The Global Structure Group


(By definition, we confer a type of prestige and authority that cannot be found anywhere else.)

Friday, October 30, 2020

Global Health Security Needs New Thinking

Meanwhile, COVID has shown the dangers of weak links in the global health chain. As such, health presents itself as a prime test of whether the idea of a global community exists in reality or only in rhetoric.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Raising the profile of men's health

Strong beliefs, norms, attitudes, and stereotypes of masculinity are prevalent and harmful for men's health. These beliefs create social barriers that prevent men from seeking medical services and that expose them to greater risks.

Why Private Sector Engagement Should Be Part of the Solution in the Developing World

It’s time we push for a broader COVID-19 response that recognizes the role of business in systemic and behavior change

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Ageing is undeniably universal. The Lancet Healthy Longevity is here to argue that having one's later years synonymous with ill health and poor quality of life need not be.

The WHO estimates that between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of those aged 60 years and older in the world's population will almost double from about 12% to 22% (an absolute increase of 900 million to two billion people). In short, we will soon have a world in which there are more older people than children.

Morag Myerscough's A New Now installation offers an optimistic response to coronavirus

Myerscough's A New Now installation aims to encourage people to focus on the positive changes that have already occurred as a result of Covid-19, rather than trying to predict the long-term impacts it will have.

She hopes that the display will spark conversation as well as create "a feeling of empowerment and optimism".

COVID-19, Equity and Men’s Health

However, boys and men appear to be disproportionately impacted with respect to severity and mortality, including those from marginalised or minority backgrounds. Yet, considerations of sex and gender, and their relationship to health and social inequities, have been absent from recent COVID-19 policy and practice pandemic responses.

Men’s health: COVID-19 pandemic highlights need for overdue policy action

The COVID-19 pandemic is shining a cruel light on the state of men’s health globally. In 38 out of 43 countries for which provisional data were available, as of June 10, 2020, more men than women have died from COVID-19 despite a similar number of confirmed cases in each sex.

Covid immunity only lasts a few months, study finds

Major research suggests that even if a successful vaccine is found, it might need to be administered twice a year

Monday, October 26, 2020

Freetown tackles a dual challenge to protect its citizens from COVID-19 amidst food insecurity

“Food insecurity is a risk to COVID-19 containment because people can’t stay home if they have nothing to eat. On top of that, the pandemic has made access to high-quality nutrition even more difficult than usual,” says Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr. “That’s why the Freetown City Council has been working with partners to bring healthy, nutritious food to its citizens during the pandemic.”

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Global Indicator



 Building a Foundation for Better Understanding

Treating our audiences with respect

Saturday, October 24, 2020

A Global Community of common destiny


It is no fluke that I the Founder of The Global Structure Network and our associated channels that will make up the Global Structure Group and you found ourselves in this position as the Leaders of a Global Community of common destiny and that is Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity for households everywhere. I really feel blessed and honoured as I reflect this week on the peaks and the troughs.  As I was reflecting, I recognise something which is common across the board that everyone who came from either working or middle-class community irrespective of colour always tell the same story i.e “ I had to sacrifice and fight and struggle to get where I am.” Though we don’t want to take away from their achievements, I also thought that as a Global Community irrespective of class we have a responsibility to influence a culture change with the hope that we can break the cycle of firefighting and hopefully it produces a process that might produce a type of results of something higher that we are yet to see. Full Potential in a different dimension. Thus our campaign on the Social Determinants of Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity that you can find on One might think that if we target our resources in a strategic household plan that also accounts for the disproportionate incidence of Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity Challenges in these communities, we will be on a path to ending the Personal Health and Well-being pandemic that normally leads to so many preventable diseases like  Freedom (Brain inequities), cancers, obesity, cardiovascular and undernutrition but most of all poverty. We are inviting your participation to help us do much more.

As I sit in this Bungalow in West Yorkshire writing this article sipping my coffee I am very pleased to say that we have just begun to see the light of progress as our Ideology for Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity has gone global. As a Global Community, we are finally on the right path but what that signifies to us as a friend who wrote to me said; the work has just begun in every dimension possible. Changing how the world and households approach Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being—amid a global pandemic—is not a task for the fainthearted. But hey, the Longest Enduring Glass ceiling is about to be broken and it is folks like you who woke up and never want to go back to sleep again that we are most proud of. It is no fluke that certain people achieve Well-being Triumph and others do not. Many are saying that the lessons they are learning from the awakening moment and our campaign has not so much changed the world as it has brought our global predicament into sharper focus. Maintaining household prowess will certainly be an important factor in the future as the current pandemic is telling us today, this shift in approach is another area where The Global Structure Group’s involvement has led and will continue to lead to a fundamental reappraisal of Households priorities in communities all across the world. I also wanted to use today's posting to highlight what The Global Structure Network – Life is all about. In addition to our cutting-edge content, The Global Structure Network – Life seeks to be a thought-leader and amplifier on all the SDOH & Well-being, Spirituality, Fitness, Wellness and Nature, and Culture. In closing, I would like to say that we must never again make the mistake of the past to assume that this ideology matters only within our Global Community. In fact, for us to be successful as a community every household should be helped into achieving Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity by being thoroughly equipped to meet the SDOH challenges.


The Global Structure Group is committed to being a global company. The Global Structure Network and its Value Proposition is the best course of action to optimize Personal Health and Well-being and to secure our objectives which is individuals’ long-term success and for households in every corner of the world to realise their biggest and most important asset. We have never seen interest like these before, in the numbers, perseverance, and the ethnic, age and racial diversity of those participating and anticipating the Global rollout of our Value Proposition and Global Marketplace. In a world reeling from the pandemic and for communities reeling from a high rate of downward mobility, The Global Structure Group is an Organization just in time. Health as an investment for economic return so that you can renovate for the world you confront. The complicated process must remind our readers that consent, and wilful action are shaped by economics, policy, and the culture of rule. Wellness for The Global Structure Network means being in control or reasonably in control of all the things that determine your social and economic realities. Not only is The Global Structure Network a critical player in the global effort for the Optimization and Democratizing of Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity, but we are also now deeply integrated into the Global planned efforts. Your future will be brighter than your past — Making it work! Delivering an Equity Roadmap for Personal Health and Well-being Triumph. Our business has a clear purpose: Our mission is for you to become owners of Your Health and owners of Yourselves so that empathy can be evenly distributed and love of yourself multiply. It is our essential purpose and will always be at the heart of our business. Your Marketplace with our own Brands, other National Branded Products, Services and your Whole Life Ecosystem will be accessible in every corner of the world. Along with the Eagerly anticipated Components of Value. As the Founder, we are committed to delivering for you because we believe that everyone should have an opportunity to reach their full potential and to truly live their best life as culture and definition and to be reasonably in control of their destiny.

Stay Healthy and Alert,


The Gallery

The Global Structure Group


(By definition, we confer a type of prestige and authority that cannot be found anywhere else.)

Sunday, October 11, 2020

11 October, International Day of the Girl Child is a United Nations day

The myth of COVID-19 being the "great equaliser" has been clearly disproven. The reality is that the impact this pandemic has on each of us will depend on factors like where we live, what job we have, the colour of our skin, our age, and our gender. 

When it comes to gender equality, the pandemic is setting back decades of progress. Globally, women have lost their jobs at a faster rate than men and, in poor countries, girls are far less likely to return to the classroom when schools reopen. 

To mark International Day of the Girl , we're highlighting the impact COVID-19 is having on girls and young women around the world. Here are five ways the pandemic is affecting girls' lives globally:

THE GLOBAL INDICATOR - Take some time to relax, catch up, get lost in one big story and see the world for Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity clearly.


Building a Foundation for Better Understanding

Treating our audiences with respect  

Take some time to relax, catch up, get lost in one big story and see the world for Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity clearly.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Friday, October 9, 2020

Neurological Well-being for All


As I write this blog post, I am pondering and imagining the journey and the small and big victories that brought the Global Structure Network Ltd to the point we are today with limitless Value to unleashed that will make a positive difference for households everywhere whose desire is to achieve sustained Wellness. Remember as you see on our website. Wellness for us means being in control or reasonably in control of all the things that determine your social and economic realities. The subject of today is World Mental Health Day. “WHO/P. Virot. Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” As we inch closer to moving from The Global Structure Network Ltd to The Global Structure Group for full live delivery, I thought it is fitting that we should contribute to this day which informs our definition of wellness. Also, as I look at the numbers and the depth of contribution that we will be making on this subject, makes me yearn with expediency for the day when we will be able to congregate freely so as to enable the Group to deliver for Brain Equity everywhere. But I am full of optimism, and not just because things here are coming together, and not because the numbers encourage uncontrollable excitement, it is because even though the current climate isn’t conducive, we are hearing from households everywhere that they are changing their perception of what real Wellness means to them in the context of Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity.  

We all need to keep up our guard, continue to practice the recommended public health measures, and remain vigilant just a bit longer. Toward that end, our website has several stories that we hope will encourage you to stay the course. I hope the stories and news and videos and podcasts that you access through our feed will jump-start your at home Health and Well-being goals for Neurological Resilience and Care. Our website also offers motivation for those who are quarantining. The various parts of the website offer articles and stories on all aspect of Personal Health and Well-being Culture to how to cook healthy meals while quarantining. Soon you will have the opportunity to unpack our stories further in order to accelerate your ability to reclaim fully, control of your health and yourself. This has been my focus from the beginning of this journey and it is also my belief that we will be able to deliver the right people to successfully partner with us for Impact, Action, Access and Leverage everywhere. Remember, Neurological Resilience is something special – something you must resolve to look after as it informs all the other aspects of your life.  We are inviting your participation to help us do much more.

Stay Healthy!


The Founder’s Gallery

Today the @WFP were awarded the 2020 #NobelPeacePrize.

Today the 


 were awarded the 2020 #NobelPeacePrize.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Coronavirus & immunology Q&A: what you need to know about our new report

 What is known about the immune response during disease, and does it vary from person to person?

Many people have a strong and healthy immune response to the new coronavirus which may also give them protection against future infections. The response varies from person to person and is influenced by many factors, including age.

Some people’s immune system overreacts to the virus, causing inappropriate inflammation and fluid build-up which can block airways and overwhelm organs such as the kidneys and liver, potentially leading to multi-organ failure. The ability of doctors to manipulate a patient’s immune response with drugs to prevent this sort of extreme reaction may be vital to prevent death from COVID-19 and is a priority for research.

The end of Public Health England?

Public Health England (PHE) will be replaced by a new agency tasked with protecting the country from pandemics, according to media reports.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Inviting men again

The Global Structure Group sends congratulations for the successful Global Launch of “Healthy Lives and Well-being for All”

The Future is about you because - People are the real currency of progress 

Driving the movement for the democratization of Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity and the one big story which is Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity for all requires a systemic approach. While all genders need to actively collaborate in tackling this challenge, men have an especially critical role to play. To preach to the choir, Freedom and Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity challenges is not a niche issue for a niche people alone, it is a fundamental societal problem. While there is a growing awareness of this issue, access to Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity is deemed rigged in favour of the privileged, thanks to our social conditioning. Despite increasing discourse on this subject, democratization continues to be stifled.  Notwithstanding the stellar efforts of many to crusade this cause, it is imperative that men take up a more active role in accelerating awareness and action around this agenda. My intention in writing this is not to rebuke men, but to call them to action for shaping social mores in household everywhere. Not to suggest that women cannot bring about this change on their own, but any meaningful progress needs active participation from men. We need to drive this agenda like we would any other business priority. Men in leadership roles have an even bigger role to play, from publicly committing to the cause, and taking swift and unequivocal action, when necessary. The Global Well-being Industry is today worth trillions, and it is time we take this more seriously. As households and communities across the world in co-opting The Global Structure Group as its number one cheerleader because of our Success and Value Proposition, the Global Industry got what it really needed, which is a conscience and fierce evangelical advocacy. While all genders need to actively collaborate in tackling this challenge, the Global Structure Group will be delivering some ways to bring men more front and center on this issue because this opportunity is a critical business and personal opportunity for all. Through regular network communication and use of male role models, inspire men to enlist for the cause. Appeal to their sense of fatherhood/maleness and encourage them to not just do their bit but to actively become Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity champions in their homes and workplaces. Households has never before enjoyed such powers. If nothing else, they would be heroes to the women in their lives. Will the Global Industry and Community emerge from the pandemic stronger, more unified, and with a more assertive Global Agenda? Or will we continue to punch below our weight on the global stage? With the entrance of The Global Structure Group and its SUCCESS, Value Proposition and Global Agenda, as the Founder I can say emphatically that we will be stronger and this time around, be able to leverage our collective success for the common good. Therefore, we are working with speed to deliver how and our connected Group Sites and activities look. You will see more of our new look but in the meantime, thank you for helping us ensure our great Organization becomes known by all across the Globe as The Global Structure Group the Future of Personal Health and Well-being, and what is Possible. Time for people, purpose, and partnerships to come before profit. We are inviting your participation to help us do much more.

The Global Structure Group is committed to being a global company. The Global Structure Network and its Value Proposition is the best course of action to optimize Personal Health and Well-being and to secure our objectives which is individuals’ long-term success and for households in every corner of the world to realise their biggest and most important asset. We have never seen interest like these before, in the numbers, perseverance, and the ethnic, age and racial diversity of those participating and anticipating the Global rollout of our Value Proposition and Global Marketplace. In a world reeling from the pandemic and for communities reeling from a high rate of downward mobility, The Global Structure Group is an Organization just in time. Health as an investment for economic return so that you can renovate for the world you confront. The complicated process must remind our readers that consent, and wilful action are shaped by economics, policy, and the culture of rule. Wellness for The Global Structure Network means being in control or reasonably in control of all the things that determine your social and economic realities. Not only is The Global Structure Network a critical player in the global effort for the Optimization and Democratizing of Personal Health and Well-being Prosperity, but we are also now deeply integrated into the Global planned efforts. Your future will be brighter than your past — Making it work! Delivering an Equity Roadmap for Personal Health and Well-being Triumph. Our business has a clear purpose: Our mission is for you to become owners of Your Health and owners of Yourselves so that empathy can be evenly distributed and love of yourself multiply. It is our essential purpose and will always be at the heart of our business. Your Marketplace with our own Brands, other National Branded Products, Services and your Whole Life Ecosystem will be accessible in every corner of the world. Along with the Eagerly anticipated Components of Value. As the Founder, we are committed to delivering for you because we believe that everyone should have an opportunity to reach their full potential and to truly live their best life as culture and definition and to be reasonably in control of their destiny.

Founder and CFO
The Global Structure Group
(By definition, we confer a type of prestige and authority that cannot be found anywhere else.)

It is your (Households and Consumers) Turn